Friday, 30 December 2016

The Best Way to Provide Corporate Health

If you have a company it must be your endeavor to give proper health care and wellness to your employee. By using corporate wellness solutions you can give that to them. There are many aspects of this solution. Let us see some so that we can become acclimatized with it.

Integrated HRA and wellness score

This is a methodology by means of which employees will be able to learn about their current health condition. They have to complete the HRA and once it is complete they will be able to know what their recent health status is. Not only that they will be able to know how to overcome a health issue or improve their health condition. The report they will get lets them know in more detail about their health status.

They are given access to a user dashboard and by means of that they will be educated on various aspects of health:

• They will know about all the active programs

• Reporting regarding incentives which includes their spouse and children also.

• They will be made aware of the health goals they should have and what steps that need to be taken to achieve these goals.

• They sign in from one place and have access to all their wellness programs. No need to sign into different programs separately.

• They can even know and manage the health related issues of their spouse and children

All this can be done and coordinated by you. You do not need the help of others to do anything regarding the health program of your company. The platform itself helps you manage your programs. You can maintain a health education library, where your employees can go online and read about various health aspects. It has a unique feature which gives the user reminders about their fitness and communicates that to them. You can also make others aware of any program or incentive that you propose to introduce by means of flyers, posters or e-mails.

This nature of corporate wellness  is the ultimate solution that you can offer to your employees. They will be fit and fine and you will be benefited likewise. As the employees will be strong physically and mentally to work with a positive vibe running all along. This will help to increase efficiency and quality of work.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Let’s Make the Corporate Health Our Priority

Managing your heath should be your first priority which speaks in unison with FitLyfe's enterprise solutions. It engages participants to get the most from your health and wellness initiatives. Health is like the golden compass towards wealth. If one’s health is good then life seems to be simpler and more enjoyable. Stress levels these days are on the rise, the bubbling competition and that thrumming dynamism is what makes one toddled down and get dull. Here comes the work of FitLyfe’s enterprise to combat the health tactics and make it all a gregariously good for everyone. Also, they sought meaningful work solutions towards the health and mental health benefits for the people. They work toward maximizing the program with proper engagement. Their work prospers, their personality levels bolt up and they manage to gather it all with the help of healthy conditions.

There is a type of challenge for your company to be well fitted with FitLyfe’s challenge, where the people are required to be fit and well conducted. Also, FitLyfe’s wellness challenge allows one to energize your members as they take control of their personal health and make healthier choices too. They strive to cater to the healthy decisions of the people, by making it very easy and efficient for them.

Also, they take all of your health and the wellness programs and campaigns and put them into one centralized platform too. When you give your employees better way to access and maintain their health that will benefit the company’s return on investment.

The program integration helps with choosing your preferred program vendor and then it gets integrated into the FitLyfe360 Platform. This ensures that you are getting what actually fits into your population network. In business, the network solutions is a must.

Insights are worked under one rule and that is to lead to better choices in life. Once an employer has those proper insights and indicated focus towards the better improvisations at the workplace, then it all becomes a very easy and good process.

The choice is the trend mark of every thing taking place with a good mark. FitLyfe gives you an unlimited set of choices to choose from. By allowing the employees to be in charge of the program sketches out better opportunity for the program itself.

The effectiveness in the blend of choices and the right conduct of work, all prosper into better results. FitLyfe’s 360 lets you know that if your programs are driving some effective results too. One will be able to see and gauge the healthier employees and also churn out the healthcare spending and the high productivity too.

There are various types of approaches which adds willful and meaningful approaches in life. Like the Silo Approach is a complex one with increased cost and administrative time. Also, the wellness program manager administers each program separately and it’s difficult for the users and the wellness team alike.

The portal vendor often gives you a single connection which attends to your wellness programs, but it’s expensive and it often limits vendor choices. Also, it severely restricts your control over the program with all its effectiveness and also what’s relevant to your employee population.

Then there is the FitLyfe360 private wellness platform which gives you unlimited choice at a lesser cost. The program manager is in complete control with a dedicated support team of professionals. FitLyfe 360 gives you better insights which lead to better program choices making wellness initiatives more successful.

Thus, this manages all corporate health and gives meaningful insights to a manger who wants to grow and prosper inherently with better results on the business front. Also the people love to investigate better solutions to the business prospects and thus crunch golden opportunities which can take business forward. FitLyfe is one good initiative to bring in the improvisations, chalk out the out dated technologies and systems and then make it all a great experience.

Friday, 23 December 2016

The Health Program That Has Clinical Intelligence

Do you require a health and wellness platform that has clinical intelligence? And yes it’s possible.

Clinical Intelligence

The clinical intelligence that is integrated into the platform enables employees to know about their health condition and know the path they should follow to have a healthy life. If they have any chronic disease then they will know about that and also the path to treating that. The platform gives them the means to manage their disease so it does not worsen. This calculation is made from the employee’s aggregated health data and a treatment path is available so that they can benefit from the program. 

Incentive management

Once the employee starts following the steps according to the clinical intelligence guideline he will gain in health and will be eligible for having an incentive. This incentive is managed by this platform. These incentives make your employee join the programs and make them healthy. The incentive is differently categorized. They are activity based, outcome based and according to health points.

The activity based incentive will be earned when an employee participates or completes an activity that is related to health. If they participate they will earn a certain incentive and as they progress through the program and reach their final goal they become eligible for another incentive. The platform keeps a track of everything and lets you know when an employee becomes eligible for an incentive. It also makes a report as to the health standard that is achieved and what needs to be done to achieve the final goal.

There are programs that make the employee perform certain activities like quit smoking or eating fast food. When the employees participate in such program and achieve some specific goal then they are eligible for outcome based incentives. Those who are not able to achieve the goal will fell an urge to participate and reach the goal so that they can also earn incentives.

Members receive points when they complete certain health program. These points can be redeemed and benefit achieved. So, with the use of this health and wellness platform,you can motivate your employees to be part of the health program and be fit themselves and make others fit and healthy.

Friday, 16 December 2016

The Best Way to Provide Corporate Health and Wellness

If you have a company it must be your endeavor to give proper health care and wellness to your employee. By using corporate wellness solutions you can give that to them. There are many aspects of this solution. Let us see some so that we can become acclimatized with it. 
Integrated HRA and wellness score

This is a methodology by means of which employees will be able to learn about their current health condition. They have to complete the HRA and once it is complete they will be able to know what their recent health status is. Not only that they will be able to know how to overcome a health issue or improve their health condition. The report they will get lets them know in more detail about their health status.

They are given access to a user dashboard and by means of that they will be educated on various aspects of health:

• They will know about all the active programs

• Reporting regarding incentives which includes their spouse and children also.

• They will be made aware of the health goals they should have and what steps that need to be taken to achieve these goals.

• They sign in from one place and have access to all their wellness programs. No need to sign into different programs separately.

• They can even know and manage the health related issues of their spouse and children

All this can be done and coordinated by you. You do not need the help of others to do anything regarding the health program of your company. The platform itself helps you manage your programs. You can maintain a health education library, where your employees can go online and read about various health aspects. It has a unique feature which gives the user reminders about their fitness and communicates that to them. You can also make others aware of any program or incentive that you propose to introduce by means of flyers, posters or e-mails.

This nature of corporate wellness  is the ultimate solution that you can offer to your employees. They will be fit and fine and you will be benefited likewise. As the employees will be strong physically and mentally to work with a positive vibe running all along. This will help to increase efficiency and quality of work.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Health Information Technology A Safer Way To Healthcare

Information technology has touched all aspects of our life. Healthcare is also not left alone. This scientific revolution has bought health information technology to bring about positive changes in our lives by making healthcare more efficient and accurate. Let’s see some of the benefits of this technology so that we can understand it better. 

Quality healthcare

Innovative information sharing technology can be done in an effective manner. This makes healthcare safer and more qualified. Healthcare professionals can have better knowledge of patient’s health history and can take care of them in a more efficient manner. This detailed record eliminates the usage of improper medicine and the chances of medical error is reduced.

Efficient and accurate treatment

With the help of this technology practitioners that have the patient’s old health records can more efficiently identify the next steps that need to be taken. These tests or examinations show them the accurate method of treatment that has to be followed for better healthcare of the patient. They do not have to experiment with medication but prescribe the needed medicine at a go.

Making administration easier

Some people have many prescriptions from doctors. By utilizing health information technology it is pretty easy to centralize those prescriptions because now almost all medical records are maintained in an electronic manner. Searching and transferring a particular prescription is made easier and convenient. It has made the up keep of medical records easier. Administrative costs have been reduced and employees can keep a clear and effective health record.

Information security

Information security is maintained when dealing with health records. Previously it was very common to lose prescriptions and delay the path to future treatment. Everything had to be started from scratch if you suffered from the same ailment later on. But with electronic data and security you can be certain that your old records are safe and secure. The only thing that needs to be maintained is proper security of the network that is used.

These reasons are leading individuals and corporations to trend towards this special technology.

Company Wellness Challenges for Employee’s Benefit

Every employee wants to work in a place that suits their needs and is well for them. According to statistics, over 90% of workers spend about 40 hours per week at their workplace. In order to for employers to make sure that their employees are happy, healthy and productive while putting in their best efforts toward the company through their work. Employees nearly devote their entire time fulfilling the needs of the company and achieving the objectives set forth for them.

In order to give their employees more, employers positively affect their health and behavior. The influence is done through a number of ways that involves environmental and cultural changes. To make these changes efficient and rewarding, many employers do organize corporate wellness challenges for their employees. Corporate wellness programs at work provide employees fun as well as a motivating outlook on their health. The investments are usually made in walking-based challenges, weight reduction programs, physical activity plans and mental health programs.

Workplace wellness programs are in trend and they are utilized worldwide. Some employers think that a health benefits platform is not so great. Nearly everything that is in an employee’s life has a positive or negative effect on their work which makes corporate wellness a necessity. When employees bring negativity from their life into the workplace it directly causes loss in processes and slows the results generated. A wellness program is put in place to try and subsidizes any negativity whether it be from health issues or personal or mental issues.

Many successful organizations are focused on employees to motivate them towards individual wellness. Organizations emphasizing on wellness program management know that lower stress levels produces more productive employees. Every employer wants to keep good employees at their side as hiring and training new ones costs more. By doing something for employees this makes them feel valued as well as part of the team.

Loyalty of employees is important for the long run of business and as well as for its success. There are several options available these days and sometimes it is hard to choose the one that best suits your business and the needs of your employees. Making the program fun and stress free is a way for employees to step out and away from their desks for better recreation and health.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Create a Wellness Program Management Plan for your Employees

Health is the prime factor to live a happy life. If you are an employer, you must build a wellness program management plan for your employees. If you have already planned a wellness program for your employees a well-planned fitness program should be in place for them. This is not limited to setting up of a fitness center with a full-time fitness coach. Developing a fitness program and then implementing it requires careful planning. 

Wellness programs should be built in such a way that they will promote healthy lifestyles, improve overall heath and prevent the onset of disease. Such programs assess the health risks and provide preventive services that will encourage employee participation. This will help you keep your employees active during working hours and thus help them to remain healthy and happy. Because a sound mind lies in a healthy body.

Here are five best ways to create a wellness management program for your employees. 

Start with the support from top management.

Take help from your senior managers and ask them to lead and encourage other employees to take part in the program. It is often seen that if anyone receives moral support or encouragement from seniors they actually feel motivated. Employers with strong leadership skills can motivate their employees to get fit and be healthy.

Consider employees’ needs.

It is important to consider the needs of your employees. If you know their needs you can plan your program appropriately. Health plan data and health-risk appraisals can help assess employee’s needs. This will help you craft a competent wellness plan that addresses employee health requirements.

Plan the program.

Wellness programs should be based on the strategies, established goals and tactics. To create an effective wellness program, it is important to consider a few basics such as smoking cessation, health screenings and nutrition classes. To keep your employees motivated give them incentives such as gift cards or fitness classes. This will help them stay engaged in the wellness program for a long period.

Set up a communication plan.

While you choose to communicate with your employees through emails, postcards, videos or a blog post, make sure that your employees have a clear understanding of how the wellness program and its benefits work.

Cherish the community.

Explain the benefits and all the details of the program to keep your community or employees interested. Encourage them to interact with other people or employees and share their goals related to health through intramural groups and web forums.

Wellness program promotion is an investment in a business. It has been shown in Studies that employees perform well when they are in the best health. Some benefits of implementing wellness program management include:

• Attracts the most talented workers

• Reduces absenteeism

• Improves decision making, on-the-job time utilization, and productivity.

• Increases employee confidence

• Improves disease management and prevention.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Inculcating Corporate Wellness To Work Culture

For any organization as it is believed that Human Resources are its biggest assets. This holds true for today's market to maintain and sustain the best competitive workforce which has become the biggest challenge for any HR or management due to various reasons. One among them is decreasing work motivation levels due to health issues or stagnancy.

To address these issues HR has done robust team outings, team building events, and activities to de-stress employees like organizing pool parties etc. But how well does this work?

Data may reveal unsatisfactory results and this is what leads to the company’s challenge of analyzing the root cause. The result in most cases is nothing else than the health of the employees which is leading to a loss in productivity, interest etc. This realization is what leads companies to introduce workplace wellness as part of their culture.

What is workplace wellness?

Workplace wellness is any workplace health promotion, activity, or organizational policy designed to support healthy behaviors in the workplace and to improve health outcomes.

What is corporate wellness and why it is gaining importance?

Corporate wellness programs are designed to nurture wellness in workers, regardless of the work environment. Corporate wellness programs can be found in factories, corporate offices, large corporations, and small corporations.

Providing health benefits to employees through insurance is becoming antiquated, although it does still account as an employee perk. Trending now is various programs like building a gym, conducting wellness programs, or hiring a physiotherapist on premise to address employee health issues.

The idea behind launching a corporate wellness program in the workplace is to increase productivity and boost motivation levels of employees. This ensures while they work their health issues are addressed. Which can lead to better productivity in revenue or numbers?

Challenges involved with introducing corporate wellness

Since these wellness programs involve the participation of employees it becomes a large task for the organization to make their employees realize the importance of this and the benefit they will get out of it.

Offerings from corporate wellness solutions providers

A large number of companies in health and fitness categories are providing programs for corporate wellness with the help of their trained health and medical specialists and data analytics. Yes, data analytics are important because of the cost involved with offering these wellness programs which is being measured against the productivity and revenues of the organization.

The team offers a complete toolkit where each user can actually have their own dashboard or profile where they monitor their progress and improvement for each of their health conditions. Weekly healthy tips are provided to the participants so that they can get engaged. The employees can use these health tips provided by the health experts. In the different challenges, the real time participation of the members is being anticipated and the reports are generated. This way corporate wellness can be inculcated easily into the work culture.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

How Corporate Wellness And Health Can Help?

Not many organizations know about corporate health and wellness as well as about their benefits. Employees are the main driving force of an organization to its goals and objectives. The organizations should take care of their workforce in order to make sure that their processes are done with full efficiency. Corporate health and wellness deals with the policy designed to support good behavior in the workplace and reduce drastic health outcomes.

Diverse employees have their own unique lifestyles, policies are designed keeping this in mind. Numerous companies do subsidize these sorts of programs for the hope of saving money and improving the health of their employees as well as their morale and productivity. The main motive of these programs is creating a culture where employees choose live a healthier lifestyle. It is a creative way of creating an office environment that is healthy and motivates employees to work hard.

These programs are designed to nurture wellness as well as forward thinking in workers despite their work environment. It is seen in companies, factories, large and small corporations. Companies make their work space more inviting and relaxing for employees by creating a healthy and well environment.

Corporate health and wellness are also cultivated to offer medical treatment and medication when needed at most. These programs are important as it takes preventive measures to create a healthier environment for the workplace. Businesses need to maintain their health statistics and update them to acknowledge the specific issues of tobacco addiction, weight loss etc.

It can be treated as a band-aid and one cannot find it in any fitness app. The involvement of the employees in the solution is important and without their involvement, the success of the program cannot be expected. The program should make them more and more health conscious. An on-site wellness program is important because the majority of employees spend their time at their workplace. Corporate wellness should be intuitive and not boring. Unique and dynamic programs need to be added into it for creating change. For ensuring the success of the program, a wellness lead is needed to take direct responsibility over the operations.

Wellness programs must involve layers of physical activity, communication and education to be promoted. It takes time and planning to get it integrated in the culture of the company and deliver fruitful results as expected.