Wednesday, 25 January 2017

The Benefits That You Can Get From a Health And Wellness Platform

If you own a company then the biggest challenge that you may face is to deliver proper health to your employees and to reduce health costs. If you are facing this nature of a challenge then you are at the right place, if you continue reading you will learn about the benefits of  having a health and wellness platform for your company. 

Saving in health cost

If we look at the statistics then we can see that the health cost per person is $11.30. It would be nice if that could be reduced. Wouldn't it? Every dollar spent in chronic health care saves $3.78 in health care expenses. Employees who smokes cost the company $3.4 per year. Healthcare platforms give you the means to reduce this cost. They help you  identify chronic diseases in your employees and give you a means to reduce smoking amongst your employees. The programs let you organize health awareness camps and incentive for those who quit smoking. They keep  track of  health changes in your employee and give you the data you need to know what’s working By doing this it helps you provide better health to your employees and at the same time increases productivity and profit.

Saving on human resource

As employees get healthy they become attached to your company. They have in mind the benefits that they had from the programs that you implemented and want to stay in your company for further benefits. The program enhances the loyalty of your employee along with providing better health to them. You do not have to hire or recruit new employee as none of your older employees leave. You can understand your saving as you do not have to hire or recruit new ones. When others who are not in your company knows about the health programs that you have incorporated and the benefits that your employees are getting they will be more inclined to try to join your company. In this manner, these wellness programs give you access to top employees that are in the field.

Reduces absenteeism

As these health and wellness platforms make your employees fit and healthy they do not need to be absent from work due to bad health. They regularly come to work and you do not have to reallocate work due to absenteeism. Moreover, they come and  work efficiently and give you more productive hours.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Significance of Corporate Wellness Programs

Employee health is more important than medical costs. Having a healthy workforce is more important for the growth of the company. Unhealthy lifestyle of employees often leads to many diseases that can reduce the productivity of business. That is why corporate wellness has become a hot topic today. There are different types of corporate wellness programs that encourage the workforce to live a healthy life and prevent the onset of any disease.

Today, when the health care cost is going up, it makes great sense to address the specific needs of employees and increase their participation in corporate wellness programs.

Here are some top reasons to develop corporate wellness programs

Onsite Wellness Program

Today, people are becoming more health conscious. Due to longer days and hours of work, stress, workload and constant multitasking, it is hard to make time for a wellness program. As the majority or employees spent time at their workplace, it is important to build an onsite wellness program for them.

Prevention is the Cure

As per CDC report, in total healthcare cost, chronic disease shares 75 percent of the cost. There are many types of chronic disease and most of them are preventable such as cancer, heart disease and obesity. To prevent such illness, it is important to take actionable steps in order to stop them from growing. It is hard to change unhealthy habits overnight. But when a person is determined emotionally, mentally, socially then progress can be made.  An employee wellness program should have reliable education for their employees.


When creating a wellness program for employees, make sure, it is not boring. It is important to create a dynamic and unique program that keeps on changing over the time. This ensures the success for the long term. Doing one thing all time is boring. It is important to stimulate and challenge the employees in different ways. Create a program based on the latest trends.

Fight with healthcare costs

The cost of healthcare keeps on rising. Employers with small companies cannot afford the rising cost of healthcare. Due to this, they are passing the healthcare cost onto their employees. If any employee participates in a wellness program, some employers are now lowering down the contributions of employees with rebates.

Complex, long-term play

Corporate wellness is a long term play and depends on unique strategy. It has a structure that is based on long and short term goals for both the employer and employees. It requires leadership, support and strong commitment. A successful corporate program takes time and keeps on changing so that it can be incorporated with corporate culture. It is a mixture of many solutions that collectively work under one strategy. It includes many layers of physical activity, incentives, communication, education, and a long-term commitment.

We can think about the needs of wellness programs, but the main challenge is always the execution. Every person’s behavior is different and it takes time to modify their behaviour. If the goal is to have a healthy workforce then both the employees and employers should actively participate in corporate wellness programs.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

How Wellness Program Management Is Crucial For Business

The health of employees is important, as they are the main component of a company. A healthy employee base helps the business to be more. Employees spend the majority of their time in the office and due to the workload, they are often affected mentally as well as physically. Any kind of illness can decrease the working capacity, also reducing their productivity. A flourished business does not want any sort of trouble in their profits due to any internal factors.

The degradation in health occurs due to unhealthy diet and lack of regular physical activities. An unhealthy routine might cause bad outcomes like heart disease, stroke, cancer as well as other diseases. Absenteeism of workers from the space costs the daily operations of the company a lot and it leaves the work for the next day. In order to avoid these types of situations, the business should maintain a wellness program management

Wellness program management sees that the health of the employees is at its best and evaluates the means to improve them with ease. The management organizes programs to encourage individuals to take preventive measures regarding their health. The programs help the employees to acknowledge their illness or disease and work towards adoption of a healthier lifestyle. The main aim of any wellness program management is to adopt a healthier environment in work-space which reduces the risk-behavior of the individual.

Each employee does inherit some amount of risk regarding their health. The risk might occur due to numerous reasons and the management has to check them to make sure the outcome is not bad. The management can help the employees to attain and maintain a lifestyle that is healthy as well as reduce the amount of stress. There is a direct and positive effect on the operations of the wellness programs whether it is a small or large company.

The wellness programs can attract talented workers and reduce the nature of absenteeism. Many organizations have strengthened their culture and employee loyalty through the help of workplace wellness. If your wellness program budget is small then make sure that you spend it only on the things that are possible and efficient. Employees do need a healthy environment for employees to improve their work and increase the morale of employees as well as their efficiency.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Reasons to Take the Benefit of Wellness Programs into Corporate Culture

Today, in the corporate world, employers are offering workplace health programs to their employees more frequently than ever before. In last few years, many corporate employers have adopted and sponsored many programs related to health. This trend has risen now and more businesses are turning towards such wellness programs. Employers are becoming more efficient when planning such programs.

Job Satisfaction of Employees

Having a health program through the workplace not just benefits employers but it also plays an influence on employee satisfaction. Nine out of ten employers have agreed in their attempt to enhance the satisfaction level of employees. They also believe that employee participation in wellness programs leave them more satisfied with their jobs along with other benefits provided by the company. Employees who participate in these programs are less likely to look for another job. Such packages help the employer keep them in the company for a long time.

Balance of Work and Weight

Today, employees are working long hours which increases their sitting time. Sitting for long periods of time without physical activity can lead to weight gain. Due to this, there is huge risk of many diseases. Increased weight is one those diseases. Today, many corporations have now adopted workplace weight loss management programs and they provide classes related to Yoga, Zumba etc. to their employees. Such programs help employees develop a sense of teamwork. Many corporations have even installed vending machines that only provide healthy food options to their employees so that they can maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Stress Management

Physical fitness is a must for everyone if they really want to live healthy and stress-free lives. It has been proven that physical fitness enhances energy and decreases stress. Mental fitness is also important and has been recognized as an important trend. It is important to dedicate the sometime to mental fitness by doing different tasks. Stress management programs improve mental health and help to control stress. This program reaps great health benefits and makes the person feel refreshed and rejuvenated. To deal with stress, meditation is a great tool to manage daily pressure. Many organizations have also included meditation instructions in their wellness programs in order to help employees to learn the correct way of doing meditation.

To increase awareness about workplace wellness programs, social media plays an important role. It helps keep employees on track of their health improvement. To motivate your employees, social networks, online engagements and mobile apps related to health play a great part. It increases participation in health programs and gets the word out. When employees see that the majority are participating in the programs it will lead to others to participate.

Today, all businesses have realised the importance of corporate wellness programs in the workplace. It’s important to give your employee’s bodies and brains a break so that they can become more productive and remain healthy.